DOT eTicketing Mobile - Clipboard Reports

Clipboard Reports offer a convenient way to monitor and analyze project operations, providing essential information for efficient decision-making in the field.

Accessing Clipboard Reports:

  • From the Project Details Page, you will land on an active feed of tickets for the project.
  • Next to the Tickets tab, you'll find Clipboard Reports associated with the project.

Project Overview Report:
By default, you'll land on the Project Overview Report, which presents a summary of delivery statuses for all material types today. This report is especially useful for gauging the overall project progress.

Cycle Through Reports:

  • Tapping on the chip filters enables you to cycle through the various reports available.
  • A brief description of each report is available by tapping the "i" info bubble next to the report name.

Enhancing Your Experience:

  • Some reports come pre-enabled, but within the account settings, users can customize their experience by enabling or removing additional reports.

Additional Content:
We've also included a video detailing the steps above:


DOT e-Ticketing Mobile App: Clip Board Reports