How do I text drivers on the job?

As a contractor out in the field, getting word out to one or all of your drivers on a job can be a money saving feature.

Last Updated: 03/10/2021

Asset 1-8


Easily communicate with drivers on the job on the HaulHub Field App, find the job, send a mass message with the Bullhorn or select the driver to send individual messages.


Step 1

On your mobile device, log in to the HaulHub Field App.

Step 2

Find and tap on the job you need to text the driver.

49Mass Text to All Drivers

To send a mass text to all drivers on the job tap the Bullhorn icon at the top right corner.

Type the message you want to relay and then press Send


Individual Text to Driver

To send a single text to one of the drivers simply swipe up to view the list of driver on the job.

Tap on a driver to bring up the options to text or call that driver.

Select the Text button. Type your message and hit Send

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