Gather in-depth cycle time analysis from ticketing data without the need for GPS integrations.
Last Updated: 06/11/2021
Edit Job Level Clipboard preferences to display what reports you find most useful in your day to day.
First, login to the JOBslip or DOTslip mobile app.
Account Setting
Select Account Settings from the right hand side to choose from the different reports.
Clipboard Preferences
Reports are broken down by what Works Best All The Time and what Works Best When Using The Delivery Button feature.
You can choose to show or hide the reports you find most useful for your day to day.
We'll go in-depth on what each report represents next.
From the Today tab, click on a Project to view current tickets.
The top portion will show the reports you have actively displaying from your preferences.
You can select Show More for a more expanded view.
Simple report that displays the delivery status of a load broken down by Trucks.
Two simple icons help you identify the status of the load. A Green Check for delivered and a Time Clock for pending delivery.
In Transit Report
Displays the one-way travel time for a load.
Marking the load Delivered in the app provides digital timestamps without the need for GPS tracking. These timestamps provide metrics to determine transit times.
Loaded Quantity Report
Quick reference of the current total quantity of tons for the project selected in real-time as trucks are loaded.
Extremely useful to gauge your project's total tonnage as trucks roll off the plant.
Load Time Report
Simple report that displays the timestamp a truck was loaded.
Useful to gauge any inefficiencies while loading.
Placement Report
Quick reference of the current total quantity of tons for the project selected in real-time as loads are marked delivered per truck.
Similar to the Loaded Quantity Report except this shows loads marked Delivered. Extremely useful to gauge your project's total tonnage as trucks roll off the jobsite.
On the Road Report
Quickly displays each load’s contribution to the total tonnage delivered.
The total in green text identifies the load is delivered. Otherwise it's still in transit.
Round Trip Report
Quick reference of the round-trip travel time for a truck from the moment it is loaded to when it is loaded again.
Extremely useful to analyze your project's cycle time solely based off ticketing data without the need for GPS tracking.
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